Having an autistic child is not the end of the world--far from it. It is my hope that through this blog, at least a handful of people will get to understand that. My child is amazing, she brings us tremendous joy. We have good days & bad days, but we CHOOSE to focus on the good. Our belief is that by loving our daughter, giving her the most comfortable environment we can, and by most of all accepting her differences, she will continue to blossom--in her OWN way.


Scary Huge Dora Doll (Cute Story)

I am going to try and add some personal stories and some funny bits to this blog. I want to not only be a "mom on a mission" but also to celebrate my child, and let the world in on what my vast reality is. Just an fyi... :)

So, the other day, my daughter and I are at a department store (or the "market" as she refers to it). We are walking up and down the toy aisles, as this is something she enjoys, second only to the produce section. Many things are catching her eye. I happen to look up & see an extremely large Dora the Explorer doll. When I say large, this doll is 34" tall, with a massive noggin. This picture just doesn't do it justice:

So, I tell my daughter to look up. She jumps & smiles, shouts "WOAH!!" She can't get over this large creation. I laugh, as the doll is ridiculous, and my daughter's reaction is priceless! My daughter continues to jump and walk all over the aisle, eying the big doll, making all sorts of noises. Passerbys are smiling at her. She assures me "no want dat!" Later she adds, "dah fuh montuh!! (that's for a monster!). She gets so extremely excited over this Dora doll. Minutes passed as we stood in that aisle, this gigantic doll gave my daughter and I such joy on our little shopping trip. Who would have ever guessed?

1 comment:

Cool Kids Bklyn Boutique LLC said...

hi nice story,can you please tell me where i can buy this big dora doll,my baby love dora,also check my online children boutique.
