Having an autistic child is not the end of the world--far from it. It is my hope that through this blog, at least a handful of people will get to understand that. My child is amazing, she brings us tremendous joy. We have good days & bad days, but we CHOOSE to focus on the good. Our belief is that by loving our daughter, giving her the most comfortable environment we can, and by most of all accepting her differences, she will continue to blossom--in her OWN way.


Celebrity "Autism Moms," Are You Listening?

Perhaps the Hollywood Autism Mom's club, along with the "celeb" mothers a la "Autism Everyday" could learn a thing or two from the so-called "bad-boy" turned obviously proud and devoted father, Colin Farrell. I wonder if they are listening?

Colin Farrell Says His Son Is Exactly the Way He Should Be

“He’s nothing but a gift,” Farrell, 31, said about son James on the Irish interview show Tubridy Tonight. With paternal pride he said: “As far as I’m concerned he’s exactly the way he should be.”

The genetic disorder, which can impair speech, movement and balance meant that James walked his first few steps last fall, when he was 4. “It’s just different,” said the actor. “It’s not different to me. He has his own path. He’s just brilliant.”

“I didn’t talk about my son [but] I felt like I was betraying him, like it could be misconstrued as shame, which would be terrible, because he’s such a celebration,” says Farrell.

Questioning the concept of “normal,” Farrell says his son is happier than so many people in the world. “I look around and I see people who move perfectly, who walk with grace, who speak with great diction and clarity and a great use of the English language and we’re all miserable f—ers – including me, at times.

“And then I see this fella who doesn’t move the way what’s perceived to be ‘normal’ is, and he’s as happy as can be.”

Wouldn't it be nice if one day a celebrity, or other parent in the public eye, speak such loving, passionate words about their autistic child--for all the world to hear? There's no pity party here for Mr. Farrell. He's not pleading for sympathy, contemplating jumping off a bridge, or spatting about controversial cures. No, he has taken a path (not often traveled by parents of autistic children we see over & over again in the media) in which he celebrates his son, advocates for his child and others with Angelman Syndrome. It is my hope that his words will inspire and encourage others to follow his lead (Jenny? Anyone?).

Bold & enlarged by author!! Link to complete article above.


Sharon McDaid said...

I'd not known about this, didn't even know Farrell had a son, so thanks for mentioning it.

The interview is great, and available to watch here. Farrell talks about his son at about 10 mins. (I hope this link works outside of Ireland.)

I'm looking forward to seeing the film In Bruges too. The trailer looks good; very sweary mind you.

S.L. said...

Thanks for the link, I will check it out. Farrell has done a lot with Special Olympics as well it seems. I give him huge kudos & love hearing what he has to say about his son.

I too am looking forward to the movie . Take care.

S.L. said...

Hi Sharon,
Just wanted to add...the link DOES work over here. It's great, love the interview (love Brendan Gleeson too!). Thanks again!

spookyva said...

Quite effective material, lots of thanks for the article.

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Pretty helpful info, lots of thanks for this article.
