Having an autistic child is not the end of the world--far from it. It is my hope that through this blog, at least a handful of people will get to understand that. My child is amazing, she brings us tremendous joy. We have good days & bad days, but we CHOOSE to focus on the good. Our belief is that by loving our daughter, giving her the most comfortable environment we can, and by most of all accepting her differences, she will continue to blossom--in her OWN way.


The Absurdity Continues...

PhotobucketAnother ridiculous "subpoena" (in quotes, because they are not the subpoenas most of us would think of, these are an abuse of the legal system) has been handed down. Kathleen Seidel from Neurodiversity.com writes today about a Dr. Marie McCormick. She too has received a subpoena courtesy of Clifford Shoemaker. The only question I have, is when will this utter absurdity will end?

From the neurodiversity weblog:

Yesterday I learned that on March 26, 2008 — the same afternoon that I was greeted at my doorstep with a demand for access to virtually the entire documentary record of my intellectual and financial life over the past four years — Dr. Marie McCormick, Sumner and Esther Feldberg Professor of Maternal and Child Health at the Harvard School of Public Health, and Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, was subjected to a similar experience at her Massachusetts home.

Kathleen titles her piece "In Distinguished Company." I couldn't agree more. I want Dr. McCormick to know that there are many of us standing behind her, just as we do Kathleen Seidel.

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